Breanne + Sergio: Couples Session

I’ve known Breanne for years, so when I had the opportunity to photograph her and her husband, Sergio, I could not resist. They are one of the sweetest couples I know.

When I am around Breanne, I am always lifted. She has a positive, beautiful spirit about her. Her and Sergio together, are almost other worldly. They are an iconic couple, and I don’t say that lightly. I’ve told her this, so I don’t mind sharing it here, but they remind me of my grandparents in so many ways. Sergio is from Columbia, Breanne being of African American descent. They are two cultures magnificently intertwined. My grandparents are also two different cultures (my grandmother being German and my grandfather being Arabic — a beautiful love story there for another time).

The Session

When I met up with Breanne and Sergio for this session, I couldn’t help but be in awe of the way they interacted. She cared and helped him in a way that was almost reverent. Please don’t misunderstand that for meaning she was a “doormat” because that is farthest from anything I could mean. It was reverent in a way that she whole heartedly respected him, who he is, and wants only the best for him. And Sergio responded to Breanne in a way of pure adoration.

Some couples express their love in great shows of physicality, but for these two they shared their love in sweet glances, gentle touches, and pure smiles. Very unlike many (myself included) in today’s era. Photographing them was like photographing a couple that had stepped through time to be with me in that moment. When I say they’re iconic, I do so in the sense that they embody a pure love, reminiscent to what I remember witnessing growing up watching my grandparents. The way my grandfather cared (and at the time of this writing, still does) for my grandmother, and the way my grandmother respects and helps him…. that is Breanne and Sergio.

Breanne & Sergio, thank you so much for allowing me the honor and privilege to capture this photos for you both! Ya’ll have a special place in my heart and always will!

xx, Danielle